Life seriously cut into my time to journal the rest of this project. Needless to say, it got done, but with no time to spare. I got some help at Valor with the final hand sewing bits and didn't have time to properly configure how to fasten it, so I ended up sewing HRH (now HRM) into it.
So after messing up the first draft of a sleeve, this is what 24 hours of Athena-induced mania will get ya! (Long story.) Regardless I was able to make a 3-part sleeve, the black linen outer sleeve, the white linen false sleeve and the white linen lining. The forearm was a bit tight on HRM but the length and effect of the slashing was perfect. Dear readers, I wish I had blogged how I made the sleeves a long time ago because it was a stroke of genius but I got sucked into a horrible job and it pretty much melted my brain for two months. (Hence the lack of posting and of new projects...)
I was pleased with the fit and over look of the wams, but I messed up on the slashing of the neck-band, so I've decided to remake the wams for my Queen's Prize A&S Tournament entry (not the beautiful sleeves though), for early November.
Here is a pic of the final project at Valor. (If you recall, HRM made his own leather pants... hawt!)
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