In the Society for Creative Anachronism, my name is Herrin Kathalyn Nimet. I enjoy the research and garments of the late 15th/early 16th Century German clothing, but I have been known to sew anything from 6th C. Byzantine to 14th C. Gothic fitted dresses also.

I attempt to sew other stuff to from modern day patterns, but that's been a challenge. Hopefully by brainstorming on this journal, I can figure them out with some measure of success. Modern patterns are just not my forté!

Please enjoy!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pardon the horrible picture!

Life seriously cut into my time to journal the rest of this project. Needless to say, it got done, but with no time to spare. I got some help at Valor with the final hand sewing bits and didn't have time to properly configure how to fasten it, so I ended up sewing HRH (now HRM) into it.
So after messing up the first draft of a sleeve, this is what 24 hours of Athena-induced mania will get ya! (Long story.) Regardless I was able to make a 3-part sleeve, the black linen outer sleeve, the white linen false sleeve and the white linen lining. The forearm was a bit tight on HRM but the length and effect of the slashing was perfect. Dear readers, I wish I had blogged how I made the sleeves a long time ago because it was a stroke of genius but I got sucked into a horrible job and it pretty much melted my brain for two months. (Hence the lack of posting and of new projects...)

I was pleased with the fit and over look of the wams, but I messed up on the slashing of the neck-band, so I've decided to remake the wams for my Queen's Prize A&S Tournament entry (not the beautiful sleeves though), for early November.

Here is a pic of the final project at Valor. (If you recall, HRM made his own leather pants... hawt!)

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